Sunday 6 September 2009

Film List

Final Production List
As it turned out there were more things that we needed, and other things that we didn't. For one, we no longer had 6 characters, so we only needed 4 tops, pants, and chairs. And we decided that if the characters didn't have shoes it would be more suitable for the situation/ story. We also decided that we were not going to paint the location or the room as the dirty walls were what we actually wanted. Monique and I were exploring an alternative perspective of the afterlife in our film. The dirty walls and the stained/rusty windows was something that was contrary to a stereotypical scenario of heaven/ the afterlife.

-Duck tape
-Broom (for cleaning the site and to attach the mic)
-White tops x4
-White pants x4
-Black skirt (for the receptionist)
-White chairs x4
-Name tags x4
-Enter/Exit sign
-Coffee mug
-Coffee table
-Vase and flower

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